Nestling around the World
Tokyo Dreaming...
A country that never ceases to amaze, a city that never sleeps,
Nestling has just arrived in Tokyo, Japan and looking forward to
sharing New Zealand's finest babyslings with Japanese parents and
As "wired" as Japan is, retailer Go Pure Go New Zealand understands
that internet is the way to access discerning market and has
opened shop
Nestling babyslings are proud to become part of their portfolio of
only New Zealand's finest products. Using pure NZ merino and beautiful
cotton fabrics, Nestling promises to amaze the Japanese parent wishing
to reap the benfits of wearing his/ her baby.
We just love the Bay of Islands and we are so excited to be able to offer our 'Hold Close Merino' range to locals and visitors of KeriKeri, the beautiful Northland town.
"ce qui est très pratique, c'est qu'on peut l'emmener partout car quand on ne l'utilise pas, ça ne prend pas plus de place qu'un foulard, contrairement à d'autres porte-bébés!..."
"Un immense merci pour ton baby sling, c'est vraiment génial! Quand elle est enervée, qu'elle a mal au ventre, et qu'elle n'arrive pas à dormir, je la mets dedans, elle s'agite un peu puis se calme petit à petit... Et moi je peux continuer à me déplacer et faire des choses, tout en la regardant... C'est très confortable! " Julie
"What is really practical is that i can bring it everywhere, even when I'm not using it as it doesn't take anymore place than a scarf in my bag, not at all like other babyslings!
A big thank you for the babysling, it is really really great! When she is upset, has a sore tummy or when she cant sleep, I put her in, she moves around a little and then quietly calms down..and me, I can continue going about my things, all while looking at her's really comfortable!"
Child offers a timeless collection of baby and children’s products all chosen because of their simple yet stylish design principles. Nestling 'Hold Close Merino' Baby Slings are the latest addition to this beautiful store.
"The parcel arrived two days into contractions and really cheered me up - for a few minutes at least! It has been much admired by all my family. We used our Hold Close Merino Sling on a little trip out to the park on Saturday and Torin certainly loved it, he slept for hours - even through the trip to the pub for refreshment. I think I will be using it a lot." Ondrée xx United Kingdom